Thomas Radlwimmer
Thomas Radlwimmer, nato nel 1988 in Austria, ha scoperto la sua passione per la fotografia all’età di 14 anni. Attualmente è studente all’ Accademia di Televisione e Cinema di Monaco, Germania (HFF München), però la sua grande predilezione per l’immagine “fissa” rimane intatta. Così prova anche una forte attrazione per luoghi particolari, e opera spesso come fotografo di scena sui set cinematografici.

Sito internet (tedesco):
Thomas Radlwimmer, born 1988 in Austria, discovered his passion for photography at the age of 14. Currently he is a student at the University of Television and Film Munich, Germany (HFF München), but his great affinity to “motionless” pictures remains untouched. He has also a strong addiction to special locations and buildings and is often to be found busy on film sets as a still photographer.
Thomas is particularly passionate about working with musicians. Before portraying them, he usually has already had deep conversations with them and dealt intensely with their music. All of his pictures are one-time snapshots, hence musicians are never asked to strike a pose or to repeat any movement.
Website (German):