Marco Cortesi, nato nel 1981, è un fotografo documentarista e fotogiornalista di Lugano, Svizzera.
Ha seguito corsi al International Center of Photography (ICP) di New York e ha seguito workshop e masterclass di fotografi delle rinomate agenzie Magnum e VII.
Dal 2012 è direttore del LuganoPhotoDays, in festival internazionale di fotografia.
Marco Cortesi, born in 1981, is a swiss documentary photographer and photojournalist based in Lugano, Switzerland.
He attended classes at International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York City, and workshops and master classes by photographers from renowned agencies such as Magnum and VII.
Since 2012 he is the director of LuganoPhotoDays, an international festival of photography.
Ha seguito corsi al International Center of Photography (ICP) di New York e ha seguito workshop e masterclass di fotografi delle rinomate agenzie Magnum e VII.
Dal 2012 è direttore del LuganoPhotoDays, in festival internazionale di fotografia.
Marco Cortesi, born in 1981, is a swiss documentary photographer and photojournalist based in Lugano, Switzerland.
He attended classes at International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York City, and workshops and master classes by photographers from renowned agencies such as Magnum and VII.
Since 2012 he is the director of LuganoPhotoDays, an international festival of photography.