The Hero, L'eroe, (Romania 2013) 10'
Last station, L'ultima stazione, (Romania 2013) 19'
Ipohondris, (Romania 2013) 5'
Ultimul pietrar, The last stonegrinder/L’ultimo marmista, Romania 2012, 3’
Ritual, Il rituale (Romania 2013) 5 min
Cinestar Lugano
Una vetrina importante per conoscere il cinema dell’Europa centro-orientale, tra concorsi, retrospettive e rassegne monografiche
Pro Kopf-The maid, Germania 2012,14‘
Hatch, Austria 2012, 18’
Cinestar Lugano
En regardent la douleur (Seeing Sorror), Danimarca 2011, 14’
We will become Oil, Romania 2011, 8’
The cloud of unknowing, Singapour 2011, 28’
Schirocco (Shluq), Egitto, USA 2012, 15’
Through the Moss Stuff Chinks Heard Voices, Finlandia 2011, 7’40’’
Chimeras (Chimères), Messico 2011, Digital, 8’
The Metrics of Coincidence, Germania 2012, 4’
Cinestar Lugano
The Tale of the Wall Habitants, Serbia, 2012, 16'
When I Was a Boy, I Was a Girl, Serbia, 2013, 30'
Springtime Suns, Serbia, 2013, 23'
Rabbitland, Serbia, 2012, 7'
Regular Day, Serbia, 2013, 6'
Cinestar Lugano